Kayak Comparative Data

                            Average Measurements

David W. Zimmerly


  Press Add to Database to contribute a museum kayak,  a private collection, or a kayak from the literature.                                                                                        

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Kayak Type                            Collection No                                Date  Length  Beam    to Sheer  Weight  

  No.     Provenience                                                                           (cm/in)  (cm/in)   (cm/in)   (kg/lb.)

Chugach Three-Hole

    00065  Chugach                     Birket-Smith 1953:45                              1933         645        71

                Chugach Eskimo, Chenega, Alaska (Prince William Sound)                       21'  1.9"    27.9"

    00066  Chugach                     Birket-Smith 1953:46                              1933         630        71

                Chugach Eskimo, Chenega, Alaska (Prince William Sound)                       20'  8.0"    27.9"

                                                                                                   Metric       637.5      71.0

                                                                                Average:     English    20'  4.9"    27.9"

                                                                                                 Number          2           2           0             0

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Bering Sea 

    00028  Bering Sea                  MHI ACC #513                                      1952         479        71         26

                Donated by Clyde B. Day, 1952                                                       15'  8.5"    27.9"       10."

                                                                                                   Metric       479.0      71.0       26.0

                                                                                Average:     English    15'  8.5"    27.9"       10."

                                                                                                 Number          1           1           1             0

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Bristol Bay 

    00067  Bristol Bay                  MAE 593-92                                        1842         454      68.5

                Aglemiut (Bristol Bay region)                                                          14'  10."    26.9"

    00069  Bristol Bay                  USNM 76284                                        1892      510.5      68.6       40.6

                Togiak, Alaska                                                                           16'  8.9"    27.0"       15."

    00068  Bristol Bay                  USNM 76285                                        1885      459.7      73.7       35.5

                Kodiak Island, Alaska                                                                   15'  .98"    29.0"       13."

                                                                                                   Metric       474.7      70.3       38.1

                                                                                Average:     English    15'  6.9"    27.6"       14."

                                                                                                 Number          3           3           2             0

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Nunivak Island 

    00221  Nunivak Island             Adney & Chapelle 1964: 199, fig.

    00181  Nunivak Island             AHM II-A-5024                                                  442.5      75.5       25.5      26.875

                Nunivak Island, Alaska                                                                  14'  6.2"    29.7"       10."        59.2

    00071  Nunivak Island             DNM P33:10a                                     c.1924      489.2

                Nunivak Island, Alaska                                                                  16'  .59"

    00107  Nunivak Island             LM N/N                                                             481                                  34

                                                                                                              15'  9.3"                               74.9

    00203  Nunivak Island             MAI 16/1715                                        1928

                St. Michael, Alaska

    00005  Nunivak Island             NMM IV-E-1071                                     1976      460.7        78       23.8           25

                Hooper Bay, Alaska                                                                     15'  1.3"    30.7"       9.3"        55.1

    00176  Nunivak Island             TBMM 2-150                                        1898                     72

                St. Michaels                                                                                             28.3"

    00177  Nunivak Island             TBMM NN5

    00073  Nunivak Island             UPM NA 1200                                       1905

                Nunivak Island, Alaska

    00075  Nunivak Island             USNM 160341                                      1892      455.9      76.2         40

                Nunivak Island, Alaska                                                                  14'  11."      30"       15."

    00072  Nunivak Island             USNM 160345, Peabody                          1892      490.2      72.4       40.6

                Nunivak Island, Alaska                                                                  16'  .99"    28.5"       15."

    00074  Nunivak Island             USNM 160415                                      1889      457.2      71.1

                Nunivak Island, Alaska                                                                    15'  0"    27.9"

    00120  Nunivak Island             USNM 76283                                        1892      464.8      76.2       45.7

                Nunivak Island                                                                           15'  2.9"      30"       17."

    00070  Nunivak Island             YRM NN1                                          >1950         464        73         21         24.5

                Hooper Bay, Alaska                                                                     15'  2.6"    28.7"       8.2"        54.0

                                                                                                   Metric       467.3      74.3       32.8         27.6

                                                                                Average:     English    15'  3.9"    29.2"       12."        60.8

                                                                                                 Number          9           8           6             4

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Norton Sound 

    00166  Norton Sound              BM PE.9                                                          511.8      64.8       40.6         18.1

                                                                                                              16'  9.4"    25.5"       15."        39.9

    00110  Norton Sound              LM 2-1674                                         c1895      522.4      71.8         40           40

                Mouth of Yukon River                                                                   17'  1.6"    28.2"       15."        88.1

    00202  Norton Sound              MAI 8/2720                                 before 1918

                St. Michael Island, Alaska

    00178  Norton Sound              TBMM NN6                                                                     67


    00214  Norton Sound              UPM NA 1201                                       1905         506        67       36.5

                                                                                                              16'  7.2"    26.3"       14."

    00167  Norton Sound              USNM 160175                                                  517.7      59.7                       30

                                                                                                              16'  11."    23.5"                    66.1

    00222  Norton Sound              USNM 160327                                      1889      518.2      62.9       33.7

                Unalaklik, Alaska (60 miles N. from St. Michaels)                                   17'  .01"    24.7"       13."

    00224  Norton Sound              USNM 160331                                      1883      452.1      63.5       30.5

                St. Michaels, Norton Sound, Alaska                                                  14'  9.9"      25"       12."

    00223  Norton Sound              USNM 160337                                      1889      487.7      67.3         33         18.1

                Kusilvak, Alaska (north of the Yukon River in Norton Sound)                     16'  .00"    26.4"       12."        39.9

    00225  Norton Sound              USNM 160380 (formerly 166932)                1888      509.3      69.9       30.5

                St. Michael, Norton Sound, Alaska                                                    16'  8.5"    27.5"       12."

                                                                                                   Metric       503.2      66.0       35.0         26.6

                                                                                Average:     English    16'  6.0"    25.9"       13."        58.5

                                                                                                 Number          8           9           7             4

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Bering Strait Cape Krusenstern

    00180  Bering Strait                AHM 77.51.1                                                    475.3      67.2       24.8       36.74

                                                                                                              15'  7.1"    26.4"       9.7"        80.9

    00091  Bering Strait                AMNH NN                                                        360.5        59         29

                                                                                                              11'  9.9"    23.2"       11."

    00001  Bering Strait                AMNH NN3                                                      482.5      66.4       35.5

                                                                                                              15'  9.9"    26.1"       13."

    00106  Bering Strait                LM 2-39745                                                     458.5      60.2         25           31

                Probably old style King Island according to John Heath.                           15'  .51"    23.7"       9.8"        68.3

    00108  Bering Strait                LM 2-9202                                          1908         469      67.7       20.5           29

                                                                                                              15'  4.6"    26.6"       8.0"        63.9

    00237  Bering Strait                MM BU 5 (formerly USNM 129574)              1888      526.4   46.355     20.32         11.6

                Cape Krusenstern, Kotzebue Sound, Alaska                                       17'  3.2"    18.2"         8"        25.5

    00244  Bering Strait                USNM 129573                                      1888      533.4      48.3       19.1

                Cape Blossom, Alaska                                                                    17'  6"    19.0"       7.5"

                                                                                                   Metric       472.2      59.3       24.9         27.1

                                                                                Average:     English    15'  5.9"    23.3"       9.7"        59.7

                                                                                                 Number          7           7           7             4

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Bering Strait King Island

    00090  Bering Strait                AMNH NN                                                          448      63.3         32

                                                                                                              14'  8.3"    24.9"       12."

    00227  Bering Strait                DNM Hb. 221                                                      442        58       24.4

                                                                                                              14'  6.0"    22.8"       9.6"

    00229  Bering Strait                EMS 1880. 4. 1206                                 1880      460.7      64.6         35

                Bering Strait, Port Clarence, Alaska                                                  15'  1.3"    25.4"       13."

    00226  Bering Strait                HMA 59- 448                                       1958         442        73         26

                Bering Strait, Shishmaref, Alaska                                                     14'  6.0"    28.7"       10."

    00103  Bering Strait                LM 2-3001                                          1901         447      66.2       21.5           28

                King Island                                                                                14'  7.9"    26.0"       8.4"        61.7

    00105  Bering Strait                LM 2-6348                                       p. 1908      457.5      62.9       22.5           27

                Probably King Island or vicinity.                                                       15'  .11"    24.7"       8.8"        59.5

    00204  Bering Strait                MAI 8/2719                                          1918      427.5      59.7         34

                King Island, Alaska                                                                      14'  .30"    23.5"       13."

    00026  Bering Strait                MHI ACC #1324                          1956 or 1957     487.68

                Donor - Thomas Paul                                                                      16'  0"

    00228  Bering Strait                MS 65.903 (accession number)                              459.7      71.1

                                                                                                              15'  .98"    27.9"

    00121  Bering Strait                NMM IV-E-1069                                  c. 1915      433.1      63.8         24         23.6

                                                                                                              14'  2.5"    25.1"       9.4"        52.0

    00122  Bering Strait                NMM IV-E-898                                  1913-16      434.3      55.9       36.8         18.8

                King Island type (collected in Diornede Islands, Alaska)                           14'  2.9"    22.0"       14."        41.4

    00235  Bering Strait                Photo loaned from Dr. Louis

    00234  Bering Strait                Photo loaned from Dr. Louis

    00170  Bering Strait                ROM HC 4353                                      1939      431.8

                                                                                                              14'  2.0"

    00215  Bering Strait                RTW 1                                               1928      452.4      64.3       24.5         16.8

                King Island, Alaska                                                                      14'  10."    25.3"       9.6"        37.0

    00186  Bering Strait                SJM NN1

    00172  Bering Strait                TBMM NN1

    00173  Bering Strait                TBMM NN2

    00230  Bering Strait                UPM NA 1202                                       1905         410        63       49.2

                King Island type (said to come from Nunivak Island)                               13'  5.4"    24.8"       19."

    00218  Bering Strait                USNM 160326                                      1888      467.4      64.8       38.7         19.5

                King Island, Alaska                                                                      15'  4.0"    25.5"       15."        42.9

                                                                                                   Metric       446.7      63.9       30.7         22.3

                                                                                Average:     English    14'  3.8"    25.1"       12."        49.1

                                                                                                 Number        15         13         12             6

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  Arctic Kayaks  | TypesConstruction | Database | Bibliography | For Sale  
                                David W. Zimmerly, RR3, Perth, Ontario, K7H 3C5, Canada        
                                                   E-mail: dwzimmerly@arctickayaks.com
                                               Internet: http://www.arctickayaks.com 
                                Copyright © 2000 BlueWater Software. All Rights Reserved.
                                                         Last modified: 16 Oct 2010  Hit Counter