Bibliography I-MAnnotated Bibliography of Arctic Kayaks
the letter for last name of author A-C | D-H | I-M | N-S | T-Z
A |B
|C |D |E |F |G |H |I
|J |K |L |M
|N |O |P |Q |R |S |T |U |V |W |X |Y |Z The web site at the bottom of the
citation is a full-text original publication. Kayak Bibliography David W. Zimmerly Ingstad,
Helge 1954 NUNAMIUT: Among Company. Kayaks, pp. 32-33, 59-63, 88-89,
176-177.Several native drawings of kayak use. Jenness,
Aylette 1970 DWELLERS OF THE TUNDRA: Life in an by Jonathan Jenness.New York: Crowell-Collier
Press. Use of kayak in open water with ice
and modern use of canvas instead of sealskin, p. 111.Photos of the village (Chevak)
show kayaks. Jenness,
ESKIMOS. Report of the Canadian Expedition, 1913-18, Vol. 12, Pt.
A. Women's use of kayaks, p.
88.Caribou hunting from kayaks, pp. 124, 148-149. 1946 MATERIAL CULTURE OF THE COPPER ESKIMO. Report of the Canadian Expedition, 1913-18, Vol. 16. Kayaks, pp. 139-141. 1975 THE kajak og dens redskaber.Copenhagen:
Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck).English translation (35 typescript
pages), Library, Civilization, A detailed study with many
illustrations of the kayak and all its equipment.Foldout
scale drawings of Frederiksdal kayak and harpoon and Sukkertoppen paddle. Jochelson, Waldemar 1908 THE KORYAK. The Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Volume
6. Memoir, This is the standard work on the
Koryak. Kayaks, pp. 539-540. Drawings and carvings illustrating kayaks,
pp. 663-664, 725-726. 1928 PEOPLE OF THE FOGGY SEAS.
Natural History 28(4):413-424. Describes Aleut as studied by author
in 1909-10. There are good pictures of
hunters and baidarkas, some with covering
removed for winter. 1933 HISTORY, ETHNOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY OF THE ALEUT. Publication No. 432.Washington: Carnegie
Institution of Survey of literature on Aleut
boats, pp. 24-26. Ethnographic notes
on The Skin Boat, pp. 55-57. Photos of skin boats, pp. 40, 56 and
58. Photo of kayakers' dress, p. 57. Josephson,
Karla 1974
Historic Contains historical data on Aleuts,
Eskimos and Indians of Alaska with chapters on K | Top Kane,
Elisha 1854 THE Chapter 50 contains sections on The
Kayack, its Form and Construction| Esquimaux Implements of the Hunt| Uses of the
Kayack| Feats of the Kayackers and Hazards: pp. 475-484.All kayak material relates
to Greenland. Keim,
Charles J. and Bill Bacon 1960 FARTHEST-NORTH OUTBOARDING. Alaska Sportsman, May:18-20, 50. Mainly describes construction and
use of the umiak at Pt. Barrow, Alaska.Photo of canvas-covered Pt. Barrow kayak, p.
20. Knight,
Frederica 1960 THE NEW KAYAK. The Beaver, Outfit 290:30-37. Good photos and descriptions of the
covering of two skin kayaks in Povungnituk, northern Quebec. Konig,
THE KAYAK? (Original: Kannten die voreskimoischen Tornit das
Kajak? Petermanns geographische
mitteilujgen 76(9-10):252). Unpublished translation (1 typescript
page), Library, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa. The author answers no. Kosiba,
Aleksander 1937 GREENLAND. (Original: Grenlandia. Lwow-Warszawa, Ksiaznica-atlas, pp. 347-447). Unpublished English translation (73
typescript pages), Library, Canadian Museum of Civilization,
Ottawa. Kayak, pp. 34-40.Umiak, pp.
41-42.Seal hunting by kayak pp. 47-51. Krabbe,
Th. N. 1930 GREENLAND: Its Nature, Inhabitants
and History. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard. Popular description of Greenland
touches on kayaks and their use pp. 3, 5, 32, 33, 54, 78, 79, 106, 107. Kayaks in photos, Plates 2, 19, 29, 105,
126, 131, 133. Krasheninnikov,
Stepan Petrovich 1972 EXPLORATIONS OF KAMCHATKA: North
Pacific Scimitar. Report of a journey made to explore eastern Siberia in
1735-1741. Translated and with
introduction and Notes by E.A.P. Crownhart-Vaughan.(Original: Opisanie Zemli
Kamchatki).Portland: Oregon
Historical Society. Description of American kayaks on
p. 71. Drawing of two Aleut baidarkas
on p. 72 is from atlas volume of Kreutzmann,
Jens 1975 THE GREENLAND KAYAK. In Gronland 75: Welcome to Greenland. Pp. 17, 19, 21, 23, 25. Text in English, Danish and German.Rungsted
Kyst (Denmark): Anders Nyborg AS Internationalt
Forlag. Well-written article by head of
Godthab's Gronlands Landsmuseum. Good
line drawings of kayaks from Julianehab, Thule,
East Greenland and Narssaq near Godthab. L | Top Laguna,
Frederica de 1956 CHUGACH PREHISTORY: The Archaeology
of Prince William Sound, Alaska. Seattle: University of Washington
Press. Pp. 245-249 mention bidarka frame
and paddle fragments. Also Plate 57,
p. 246 pictures a three-hole bidarka frame from
Chenaga Village in 1933. Lantis,
Margaret 1933-34 ATKA FIELD NOTES. Unpublished field notes on kayaks and kayak
travel (23 typescript pages). Zimmerly kayak files. Interesting material on kayak
construction and kayak travel including collection notes for the Aleut frame (LM 2/14886) now in
the Lowie Museum. 1939-40 NUNIVAK FIELD NOTES.
Unpublished field notes on deposit with James W. Vanstone, literary executor to
Margaret Lantis. Chicago: Field Museum
of Natural History. Includes 38 typescript pages of
miscellaneous field notes on kayaks. 1946 THE SOCIAL CULTURE OF THE NUNIVAK ESKIMO. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
35(3):153-323. Kayak photos on pp. 175 and
189.Text on pp. 164, 167, 177, 193, 194. 1947 ALASKAN ESKIMO CEREMONIALISM. Monograph 11, American Ethnological Society. Seattle: University of Washington
Press. Material on boat launching
ceremonies for groups from Nunivak north to Barrow, pp. 38-42.Kayaks on graves, pp. 9-20. Laughlin,
Adaptability.Pp. 469-495. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Kayak hysteria (kayak angst), p.
488. LeMouel,
Jean-Francois 1978 PEOPLE OF THE SEA GULL. The
Naujamiut Eskimo of West Greenland. A study of human ecology. (Original: "Ceux des mouettes"
Les Eskimo naujamiut Groeland-Ouest documents d'ecologie
humaine. Memoires de l'institut d'ethnologie-XVI, museum National
d'histoire naturelle. Paris: Musee de l'homme. Unpublished English
translation Unpublished English translation of
pp.155-66 (14 typescript pages),
Library, National Museums of Canada, Ottawa. Lethbridge,
T.C. 1938 UMIAK: The European Ancestry of
the Mariners Mirror 24:318-328. Compares and makes a case for the
Eskimo umiak as having been evolved from boats of Irish or Scottish origin,
especially the curragh. Liapunova,
Rosa Gavrilovna 1964 ALEUTIAN BAIDARKAS. Lewis Henry Morgan, trans. (Original:
Aleutskie Baidarki.Akademiia nauk SSSR.Muzei
antrop. i etnog. Sbornik 22:223-242). Unpublished English translation (33
typescript pages), Library, Canadian Museum of Civilization,
Ottawa. Describes Aleut kayak construction
and use based on Russian literature and examination of museum collections of both
models and full-size craft. 1964 ESSAYS ON THE ETHNOGRAPHY OF THE ALEUTS (the end of the
18th century - first half of the nineteenth
century) (Original: Ocherki po
etnografii Aleutov [koknets XVIII - pervaya polovina
XIX v.] Leningrad: Nauka Press). Unpublished English translation (26 typescript
pages), Library, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa. Comprehensive coverage of skin
boats on pp. 88-101. Lisiansky,
18903, 4, 5 & 6. London: John Booth Kodiak Island: bidarka descriptions
and measurements for one, two and three-hole variant, pp. 211-212.Tools, pp. 206-207.Weapons, p.
206. Sea-otter hunt, pp. 203-205.
Education, p. 202.Whaling, p. 202.Bidarka on grave, p.
200. Lyon,
George F. 1824 The Private Journal of Captain G.
F. Lyon of H. M. S. Hecla, During THE MOST
PARRY. London: John Murray, Albermarle Street e-Street Kayak measurements p. 320-323. M | Top Mason, Otis T. 1899 POINTED BARK CANOES OF THE KUTENAI
AND AMUR. With notes on the Kutenai Canoe by Meriden S.
Hill.Report of the U.S. National Museum 1899:525-537. Drawings and discussion of Yakut
and Goldi double paddles and distribution of paddle types, p. 536. Mathers,
Charles W. 1972 A TRIP TO THE ARCTIC CIRCLE. Alberta Historical Review 20(4):6-15. Photograph taken in 1901 at Fort
McPherson on the Peel River of Mackenzie Eskimo in kayaks. Article first published in the Farmers
Advocate, Winnipeg, 21 Dec. 1903. Mathiassen,
ESKIMOS. Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition, 1921-24, Vol. 6, No.
1.Copenhagen: Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag. The kayak, pp. 91-97. McGhee,
Robert 1974 BELUGA HUNTERS: An Archaeological
Reconstruction of the History and Culture. Illustrated by D.W. Laverie. Newfoundland Sopcial and Economic Studies No. 13.Institute of Social
and Economic Research.St. John's: Memorial University of Newfoundland. Describes finds dating Mackenzie
horned kayak to 500 B.P. 1976 WEST ALASKAN INFLUENCES IN MACKENZIE ESKIMO CULTURE. In Contributions to Anthropology: The Interior
Peoples of Northern Alaska.Edwin S. Hall, ed.Pp. 177-192.Paper No. 49,
Archaeological Survey of Canada, Mercury Series. Ottawa: Canadian Museum of
Civilization. Brief reference to kayaks, pp.
184-185. Menovshchikov,
G.A. 1959 ESKIMOSY. (A popular-scientific
historico-ethnographic sketch on the Asiatic Eskimos). (Original: Eskimosy.Magadan: Magadanskoe
Knizhnoe Izdatyelstvo). Unpublished English translation (5
typescript pages), Library, Canadian Museum of Civilization,
Ottawa. Kayak and Umiak, pp. 52-55. 1976 THE NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF BOATS OF THE TYPE UMIAQ, ANJAQ,
ALEUTIANS. (Original: O Nazvaniyakh I Funktsiyakh Lokok Tipa Umiak',
An'iak', K'aiak' U Eskimosov I Aleutov. Sovetskaya Etnografiya 1976
2:113-117). Unpublished English translation (11 typescript pages), Library,
Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa.
Gives etymologies of the names of
Eskimo-Aleutian boats. Posits
Eskimo/Aleut split of 4, 000 to 5, 000 years ago and says
both umiak and kayak existed side by side from the beginning. Metayer,
Maurice (editor and translator) 1966 I, NULIGAK. Illustrations by Ekootak. Pocket Book edition, 1971. Richmond Hill: Simon & Schuster of Canada, Ltd. Good description of white whale
hunt from kayaks, pp. 15-17.Other references to kayaks and their use scattered throughout. Muller-Wismar,
BATTLE SYMBOLS. (Original: Austroinsulare Kanu als Kult- und
Kriegs-Symbole. Baessler-Archiv
Unpublished English translation (33 typescript pages), Library,
Canadian Museum of Civilization,
Ottawa. Author makes a case for the bifid
bow of Pacific kayaks originating with the Hawaiians, pp. 13, 14 and fig. 50-54, p. 20. Murdock,
John 1891 ESKIMO BOATS IN THE NORTHWEST. Popular Science Monthly 39(5):682-687.
Good description of use of umiaks
and kayaks in the Point Barrow and Cape Smyth areas of Alaska. 1892 ETHNOLOGICAL RESULTS OF THE POINT BARROW EXPEDITION. Ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of
Ethnology, 1887-1888. Washington: Government Printing Office. The major work on North
Alaska. Kayaks and umiaks, pp.
328-344. Figs 381 and 382, pp. 381-382 show model kayaks, one
being of a Mackenzie type and the other a Bering Strait type. (PFD - full text: Canadian Institute for Historical
Microreproductions) No. of
publications: 242
End of Kayak