* This belongs
to the collection of David & Helga Zimmerly.
Kodiak 1-hole Kayak
Danish National Museum, Copenhagen,
DNM Ib 160 (see
Lines drawing in
Joe Kelly, part of cover for Sea Kayaker 13(1).
Length - 14' 2.9"
Beam - 25.9"
Depth to Sheer - 10.3"
Weight - 40.1 lbs.
Loaded kayak is
stable to 56 º
The Kodiak is a close cousin of the Aleut kayak,
but shorter, wider and with a
pointed stern. Both have a bifurcated bow. The ridged deck is common to all
kayaks from Norton Sound south. This kayak was built for hunting small sea
mammals and should be a good recreational kayak for varied sea conditions. It
is unusual in that it was normally paddled from a kneeling position using a
single bladed paddle. In the 1980s Dave Kubiak, a teacher at Kodiak High
School, worked with students to build and test this kayak. Darrel Short
described Dave's work in Wooden Boat, May/June 1984, 58: 68-73. Good
construction details are included. More recently, Joe Kelly built this
kayak. He
gives a thorough description in Sea Kayaker, April 1996, 13 (1): 38-45.
elegant frame graces the cover (see photo above).